Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Beginning...of the END!

Who talked me into starting this damn blog?  I COULD name names here, but I won't!  Her identity will be hidden for now, because I don't have the time, energy, or heart to call her out after 3 hours of adjusting settings and attempting to make my blog page "keep up with the Jones' blog page!" 

Yep, there is pressure and competition even in blog life!  Are my settings okay?  Does the page look up to par?  Is it too stuffy, not fun enough, just right?  What is this...the The Three Little Bears!  And I act as if anyone is actually going to care or sign up to follow this stupid thing!  So...really...I am doing this to impress myself later in life! ha ha  Well, here goes...

Today's Thoughts:

I have NO idea what I am even doing starting this.  I mean, I have a full time job (lets not call it a career, I still dream of becoming a lawyer someday!), and a child that couldn't be shoved into one more activity if I tried (which reminds me, soccer starts soon!), so when do I think I am going to have time to update my blog!?  My internal planner shows I can jam it in while catching up on my DVR of Real Housewives as I frantically toggle back and forth to Cityville and Fluffy Bird on Facebook.  Yep, bring on the priorities baby! 

Buckle up bloggers!  I've been forced to join...and It Ain't Always Pretty!

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!!!! Your life is so interesting, it'll be easy for you. =) And that GIRL who talked you into this, must be plum crazy. And "IT" ain't always pretty, but little girl over there on the right of you page is ALWAYS a beauty queen! Love it!
